Underground Drill Guidance Solution

Wabtec’s Underground Drill Guidance Solution (DGS) enables a safer environment for your people 和 equipment.

Helping underground coal operations drain gas 和 water for over 28 years.​

Wabtec Underground DGS is a leading provider of Measure While Drilling for underground coal mines. Our systems are known for their accuracy 和 reliability, which help to improve the safety of workers 和 increase the efficiency 和 profitability of mining operations. 

  • Accurate drilling helps to prevent accidents 和 injuries by reducing the risk of mistakes or errors.​
  • A reliable drill guidance system can help to reduce downtime 和 improve the efficiency of the drilling operation, which can increase the amount of coal that is extracted.​
  • By improving safety 和 efficiency, a reliable drill guidance system can help to increase the profitability of the mine.​
  • Accurate drilling can help to prevent damage to the mine, which can be costly 和 time-consuming to repair.​
  • A reliable drill guidance system can help to reduce the overall risk associated with underground coal mining.
Wabtec's Underground Drill Guidance Solution


Wabtec Corporation
保护人们 & 设备
Wabtec Corporation
Icon - Early Detection
Wabtec Corporation
Reduce Risk of Outbursts
Wabtec Corporation
Improve Profitability

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